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2018 Intro Journals Project Winners

2018 General Editor

Dave Essinger, University of Findlay

Intro Journals Winners: Poetry

Selected by Mary Biddinger

  • “Landscape with Sharp Rocks”
    Mary Maroste, Western Michigan University
    Mid-American Review

  • "My Daughter Forgets to Lock the Door"
    Lorie Parker Matejowsky, University of Central Florida, MFA program
    Tahoma Literary Review

  • “The only reason I unpacked was the insomnia”
    Anne Livingston, Grand Valley State University
    Iron Horse Literary Review

  • "The Cicadas"
    Brian Clifton, University of North Texas, MA program
    Colorado Review

  • "Emarginate”
    Liza Flum, University of Utah
    Tampa Review

  • "Beyond Understanding"
    Heather Myers, West Virginia University, MFA program
    Puerto del Sol

  • "What Came Looking for Me"
    Kevin Reese, Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop
    Hayden’s Ferry Review

  • "Blue Collar Brown"
    Anuradha Bhowmik, Virginia Tech
    Quarterly West

Honorable Mention

  • "Eating Flamin' Hot Cheetos at Mom's Grave"
    Jessica Tanck, University of Illinois, MFA program

  • “Wild Cactus”
    Jordan Bissell, American University

  • “Abrash”
    Kat Neis, College of Wooster

  • “Headwaters”
    Catie Young, Colorado State University

  • “& The Dirt”
    Samantha Bryan, University of Alabama

  • “In the Public Restrooms”
    Brooke Petersen, San Diego State University, MFA program

  • “Nature Lessons: Tibet-Butler Preserve”
    Emma Reinhardt, University of Central Florida, MFA program

  • “Before Garrison Keillor”
    Lisa Buckton, Vermont College of Fine Arts, MFA program

Intro Journals Winners: Fiction

Selected by David James Poissant

  • "Separation Agreement”
    Jason Nafziger, University of Illinois, MFA program
    Tahoma Literary Review

  • "Three Boys from Felton High School Go to War”
    Allyson Hoffman, University of South Florida, MFA program
    Mid-American Review

  • "Glossary for a Miscarriage”
    Emily Dyer Barker, University of Utah
    Hayden’s Ferry Review

  • "Phlogiston"
    Sheldon Costa, Ohio State University, MFA program
    Quarterly West

Honorable Mention

  • "River through a Half-Burnt Woods”
    Elsa Nekola, University of Mississippi, MFA program

  • "A Part of Some Eighteen”
    Mariana Samuda, Chapman University

  • "Bird of New York”
    Peyton Coffman, Hendrix College

  • "Listening to Birds”
    Heather De Bel, University of Maryland

Intro Journals Winners: Creative Nonfiction

Selected by Michele Filgate

  • “9:47”
    Emily Harnden, Colorado State University
    Puerto del Sol

  • "The First Time”
    Brenda Taulbee, San Diego State University, MFA program
    Iron Horse Literary Review

  • "On Worry”
    Erica Berry, University of Minnesota, MFA program
    Colorado Review

  • "The Horizon Has a Way of Disappearing”
    Jennifer Key, University of Mississippi, MFA program
    Tampa Review

Honorable Mention

  • “White Sedans”
    Paul Van Dyke, Normandale Community College, AFA program

  • “Our Matriarch, the Monster”
    Ross Gormley, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, MFA program

  • “Skinned”
    Kristie Johnson, Georgia College

  • “The Opposite of Hallelujah”
    Hannah Hindley, University of Arizona