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2009 Intro Journals Project Winners

Intro Journals Winners: Poetry

Selected by Oliver de la Paz

  • “Intellectual Property”
    Rebecca Morgan Frank, University of Cincinnati
    Hayden’s Ferry Review

  • “Archipelago”
    Andrew De Haan, Grand Valley State University
    Tampa Review

  • “Myrlie’s Lament”
    Barry George, Spalding University
    C O N T R O L L E D B U R N

  • “Shaded Noon”
    Kayla Skarbakka, Augsburg College
    Mid-American Review

  • “Thrush”
    Kim O’Connor, University of Maryland, College Park
    Colorado Review

  • “Philadelphia, 1976”
    Ryan Teitman, Indiana University
    Puerto Del Sol

  • “Prometheus in Pittsburgh”
    Eric Bliman, University of Cincinnati
    Quarterly West

  • “So/Yes/Limited”
    Weston Cutter, Virginia Tech
    Artful Dodge

Honorable Mention

  • “Haiti, 2008”
    Hanna Sullivan Brown, Indiana U. Purdue U. Indianapolis

  • “Statues by the River”
    Luke Bloomfield, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

  • “Carnival Siesta”
    Wells Burgess, Johns Hopkins University

Intro Journals Winners: Fiction

Selected by Michael Griffith

  • “You can Sleep When You’re Dead”
    Kate Bradley, Virginia Commonwealth University
    C O N T R O L L E D B U R N

  • “Plastination”
    Brian Beglin, Purdue University
    Artful Dodge

  • “The Sandpiper”
    Hannah Epstein, Oberlin College
    Quarterly West

  • “Bad Poetry”
    Kendall Sand, University of Idaho
    Hayden’s Ferry Review

Honorable Mention

  • “What She Wanted”
    Courtney Miller Santo, University of Memphis

  • “Little Round Pills”
    Matt Burgess, University of Minnesota

  • “The One That Got Away”
    Paula McMahon, Old Dominion University

Intro Journals Winners: Creative Nonfiction

Selected by Barbara Hurd

  • “A Life Under Water”
    Julie Marie Wade, University of Louisville
    Tampa Review

  • “Nineteen Destinies for Sonoma County”
    Alex Chambers, The University of Alabama
    Puerto del Sol

  • “Evidence of Things Not Seen”
    David Lumpkin, The Ohio State University
    Mid-American Review

  • “The Missing Pictures”
    Sarah Fang, University of Maryland, College Park
    Colorado Review

Honorable Mention

  • “The Dragon Conspiracy”
    Luke Redington, Kansas State University

  • “Hello Again, Kent State”
    Amanda Goldblatt, Washington University in St. Louis