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2014 Intro Journals Project Winners

Intro Journals Winners: Poetry

Selected by Iris Jamahl Dunkle

  • “Site Fidelity”
    Anne Barngrover, University of Missouri Creative Writing
    Mid American Review

  • “Measuring an Arc by Every Other Degree”
    James White, Florida Atlantic University MFA in Creative Writing
    Colorado Review

  • “Descent”
    Lucien Darjeun Meadows, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
    Hayden’s Ferry Review

  • “The Hook in the Throat Where Breath is Hung”
    David Antonio Moody, Florida State University
    Artful Dodge

  • “Fidelity”       
    Jaya Stenquist, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Program in Creative Writing
    Iron Horse Literary Review

  • “Rations”       
    Natalie Mesnard, University Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, MFA in Creative Writing
    Tampa Review

  • “Milk Way Nine Patch”
    Rachel  Rinehart, McNeese State University
    Quarterly West

  • “Everything in My Life I’ve Invited”
    Ruth Baumann, University of Memphis
    Puerto Del Sol

Honorable Mention

  • “Exchange Body”
    Kristen George Bagdanov, Colorado State University, Department of English

  • “How to Measure a Season”
    Patrick McGee, Northern Kentucky University

  • “Lies After the War”
    Miller Oberman, University of Connecticut, Department of English

Intro Journals Winners: Fiction

Selected by Daniel Chacón

  • “Mezuzah”
    Tim Buchanan, Department of English, East Carolina University
    Puerto Del Sol

  • “The Last Best Place”
    Christopher Connor, St Mary’s College of California, MFA Program
    Mid-American Review

  • “Open at the Throat”
    Fae Dremock, Department of English & Center for Writers, University of Southern Mississippi
    Artful Dodge

  • “The Demon at Montgomery Hill”
    Laura Smith, Florida State University
    Quarterly West

Honorable Mention

  • “Across the Creek”
    Jayne Waldrop, Murray State University, MFA Program in Creative Writing

  • “Herbert Hoover”
    Marla Weeg, Northwestern University, MA/MFA in Creative Writing

  • “Women in the Garden”
    Patrick Sung, University of Miami Creative Writing Program 

  • “Cavalier Presentations of Heartbreaking Updates”
    Sadie Hoagland, University of Utah, Creative Writing Program

Intro Journals Winners: Creative Nonfiction

Selected by Lee Martin

  • “Bruno in the Afternoon”
    Collette O’Connor, San Jose State University
    Iron Horse Literary Review

  • “Tenebrae”
    Jan Shoemaker, Ashland University
    Colorado Review

  • “Charade”                  
    Kendra Atleework, University of Minnesota
    Hayden’s Ferry Review

  • “The Oriel Window”
    Shanley Jacobs, University of San Franciso, MFA in Writing Program
    Tampa Review

Honorable Mention

  • “Chasing Something in the Night”
    Sean Ironman, University of Central Florida

  • “A Baptism that Keeps”
    Andrew Payton, Iowa State University, MFA in Creative Writing & Environment

  • “Three Deaths”
    Emily Maloney, The University of Pittsburgh, Department of English

  • “Kill Right Hunger”
    Sarah Heston, University of Missouri