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2012 Intro Journals Project Winners

Intro Journals Winners: Poetry

Selected by Susan Grimm

  • “Scutellaria”
    James Henry Knippen, Texas State—San Marcos
    Colorado Review

  • “Autonomy, Landscape, Terrible Love”
    Corey Van Landingham, Purdue University
    Tampa Review

  • “Autopsy of Me”
    Mary Stone Dockery, University of Kansas
    Mid-American Review

  • “For Ernesta Peebles, the Organist Who Fell in the Septic Tank”
    Alexa Norris, The College of Wooster
    Artful Dodge

  • “Anagram for a Body Wanting to Occupy Two Places at Once”
    Meg Day, University of Utah
    Artful Dodge

  • “National Acoustic Symphonic Academy”
    Matthew London, West Virginia University
    Hayden’s Ferry Review

  • “Two Mycologists”
    Michael Gray, California State University, Fresno
    Puerto Del Sol

  • “Mise en Place”
    Lindsay Daigle, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
    Quarterly West

Honorable Mention

  • “Cinders”
    Mark Wagenaar, University of North Texas
  • “Vandal Root”
    Erin Kautza, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  • “A Sailor’s Ode to Taxonomy”
    Dante Di Stefano, Binghampton University
  • “We No Longer Speak of the Ghost in the Attic”
    Shane Lake, Arizona State University

Intro Journals Winners: Fiction

Selected by Brock Clarke

  • “Tough Little Wife”
    Edward Porter, University of Houston
    Colorado Review

  • “A Man in Review”
    Christopher Allsop, Antioch University, Los Angeles
    Puerto Del Sol

  • “The Particulars of My Deliverance”
    Marvin Guymon, University of Colorado Denver
    Puerto Del Sol

  • “Hunting the Rut”
    Katherine Zlabek, University of Cincinnati
    Artful Dodge

  • “Yak Farm”
    Joe Aguilar, University of Missouri-Columbia
    Hayden’s Ferry Review

Honorable Mention

  • “Whom Will You Serve?”
    Joanna Byrn-Orand, University of New Mexico
  • “Fourteen Tips for Selling Real Estate”
    Dana Fitz Gale, University of Montana
  • “On Two Legs”
    Kevin Manning, San Jose State University
  • “Vigil”
    Jaclyn Elgeness, University of Central Florida

Intro Journals Winners: Creative Nonfiction

Selected by Kyoko Mori

  • “Tri-Level”
    Gina P. Vozenilek, Northwestern University
    Tampa Review

  • “Molding”
    Diane Embry, Hamline University
    Mid-American Review

  • “Four by Eight”
    Chris Drew, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
    Quarterly West

Honorable Mention

  • “A Brother Far Away”
    Sara C. Ross, University of Missouri-St. Louis
  • “Crush”
    Michelle Pilar Hamill, Vermont College of Fine arts
  • “Rough”
    Eric Tanyavutti, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • “Python Heart”
    Toni McIntyre, American University