
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

2015 Intro Journals Project Winners

Intro Journals Winners: Poetry

Selected by Philip Metres

  • “City Resident”
    Simon Neely, St. Mary’s College of California MFA in Creative Writing
    Colorado Review

  • “When Asked How Many, I Didn’t Know”
    Austin Anderson, Oregon State University—Cascades, Low-residency MFA in Creative Writing
    Iron Horse Review

  • “Thank You When I’m an Axe”
    Emily Skaja, Purdue University MFA program
    Mid American Review

  • “Ancestor”
    Rajiv Mohabir, The University of Hawai’I at Manoa
    Quarterly West

  • “To Delete, Press Seven”
    Joshua Flaccavento, SUNY Buffalo
    Artful Dodge

  • “Sinus Amorous”
    Benjamin Voigt, University of Alabama
    Tampa Review

  • “Blackout”
    Abigail Kerstetter, Colorado State University
    Hayden’s Ferry Review

  • “She Shipped Her Cock Priority”
    Joseph Gordon, University of San Francisco MFA in Writing Program
    Puerto Del Sol

Honorable Mention

  • “Party Crashers”
    Hannah Dow, Center for Writers, University of Southern Mississippi

  • “The Daughters of Le Vallée des Singes”
    Raye Hendrix, Auburn University Creative Writing Program

  • “Spike, Javelin, Harpoon”
    Cait Weiss, The Ohio State University MFA Program in Creative Writing

  • “Oh, Io”
    Alison Thompson,  Miami University Creative Writing Program

Intro Journals Winners: Fiction

Selected by Erin McGraw

  • “No One Can Tell You What to Keep”
    James Clark, Stephen F. Austin State University
    Iron Horse Review

  • “The Seven Deaths of the Family Contreras”
    Molly Olguin, The Ohio State University MFA Program in Creative Writing
    Quarterly West

  • “The Hyphenates of Jackson County”
    Theodore Wheeler, Creighton University MFA in Creative Writing
    Artful Dodge

Honorable Mention

  • “The Narrators”
    Joshua Sheridan, The College of Saint Rose MFA in Creative Writing

  • “Hobophobia”
    Alysandra Dutton, Hiram College

  • “Goshen Pass”
    Michael Alessi, Old Dominion University MFA Creative Writing Program

  • “Acolytes”
    Brett Puryear, University of Montana MFA In Creative Writing

  • “Big House”
    Matthew Cherry, University of Central Oklahoma

  • “Ruminations of a Withered Apple Sapling”
    Charlie Sterchi, Auburn University

Intro Journals Winners: Creative Nonfiction

Selected by Sue William Silverman

  • “Inside the Chönyid Bardo”
    Jan Becker, Florida International University MFA Program
    Colorado Review

  • “A Gathering of Then and Now”
    Melissa Matthewson, Vermont College of Fine Arts MFA/Writing Program
    Mid American Review

  • “Nausicaa”
    Emily Geminder, University of Missouri-Kansas City
    Tampa Review

  • “How to Write A War Poem”
    Micah Fields, University of Montana
    Hayden’s Ferry Review

  • “A Matter of National Security”
    Jason Harrington, University of Mississippi
    Puerto Del Sol

Honorable Mention

  • “First Kiss”
    Katie Zeitz, Goddard College BFA Program in Creative Writing

  • “No-see-ums”
    Jan Bindas-Tenney, University of Arizona Creative Writing MFA Program

  • “epigraph : in response to circles”
    Angelica Maria Barraza, Naropa University Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics