
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

2008 Intro Journals Project Winners

Intro Journals Winners: Poetry

Selected by Julia Levine

  • “Elegy with Windings, Ancient and Modern”
    Brian Dunn, Purdue University
    Hayden’s Ferry Review

  • “Duffy’s Inferno”
    Martha Miller, Converse College
    Colorado Review

  • “Unrecorded”
    Aaron Rudolph, Texas Tech University
    Mid-American Review

  • “Observe the Animals”
    Cassandra Howard, Southern Illinois University
    Quarterly West

  • “Avocado”
    Sara Johnson, University of Oregon
    Tampa Review

  • “Affinity”
    Mindy Gutowski, Purdue University
    Artful Dodge

  • “The goats have taken over the barracks”
    Andrew Najberg, Spalding University
    Artful Dodge

  • “Rothko’s Room (at the Tate Modern)”
    Beth Marzoni, Western Michigan University
    C O N T R O L L E D B U R N

Honorable Mention

  • “What is Lost, What is Found”
    Rachel Woodward, Binghamton University

  • “Katrina”
    Myles Gordon, Vermont College of Fine Arts

  • “Ritual of Birds”
    Chris Hayes, The University of Mississippi

  • “Epilepsy”
    Barbara O. Perez, University of Massachusetts Boston

  • “a walk within a walk”
    by Kevin Carrigan, Bradley University

Intro Journals Winners: Fiction

Selected by Kwame Dawes

  • “Toadman”
    Peter Grimes, University of Cincinnati
    Hayden’s Ferry Review

  • “Den Mother”
    Kirstin Valdez Quade, University of Oregon
    Colorado Review

  • “Pond Twenty-Seven”
    Scott Ditzler, University of Missouri - Kansas City
    Puerto del Sol

Honorable Mention

  • “Virginia is a Different Country”
    Max Everhart, University of Alabama at Birmingham

  • “Unmelodic Air”
    Mike Imondi, Hofstra University

  • “I’ll Tell the Mill” (novel excerpt)
    Jackson Connor, Ohio University

  • “Rosenvasser’s Ghost” (novel excerpt)
    Miriam Parker, University of North Carolina - Wilmington

Intro Journals Winners: Creative Nonfiction

Selected by Brenda Miller

  • “Monsters of South Dakota”
    Jennifer Linscott, University of Mississippi
    Mid-American Review

  • “Play Dead”
    Dave Madden, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
    Tampa Review

  • “The Strong Force”
    Erin Bond, University of North Carolina - Wilmington
    Quarterly West

Honorable Mention

  • “Alka-Seltzer”
    Erica Licourt, Spalding University

  • “A Normal Part”
    Jennifer Lynn Holley, University of Connecticut

  • “In Tooth and Claw”
    Bryr Ludington, University of Alaska - Fairbanks

  • “A Penny and a Nickel”
    Brenna Casey, University of Notre Dame