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Staff Picks: National Poetry Month 2019

AWP | April 2019

Staff Picks

During National Poetry Month, the staff of AWP shared their favorite poetry. We gathered the list of staff favorites to help continue poetry reading all year long. Make sure to enjoy Conference Assistant Chelsea McLin’s reading, along with a tribute to Mary Oliver from the Writer to Writer Mentorship Program Booth at #AWP19.

The Lanyard” by Billy Collins

Road Music” by Richard Siken

Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou

 “won’t you celebrate with me” by Lucille Clifton

 “The Armadillo” by Elizabeth Bishop

Much Madness is divinest Sense”  by Emily Dickinson

Teaching Dreams” by Cecil W Morris

Darwin's Finches” by Deborah Digges

Average Black Girl” by Ernestine Johnson as read by Chelsea McLin, AWP Conference Assistant

The Summer Day” by Mary Oliver as read by attendees at the 2019 AWP Conference & Bookfair.

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