
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Individual Membership

An individual AWP membership offers you opportunities for publishing, networking, and career development. Wherever you live, work, and write, we can provide you with support and community. A writer’s career has many chapters, and AWP is here to help you from the first chapter to the last.

Individual Membership Rates

  • One year: $75
    • Students & Adjuncts: $49
  • Two years: $120

Individual Membership Benefits

  • A discounted registration rate for our annual AWP Annual Conference & Bookfair
  • A subscription to The Writer’s Chronicle, a digital magazine featuring essays on the art of writing, interviews with accomplished writers, listings of opportunities for writers, and more. Writer's Chronicle access includes a searchable archive of over a decade of past issues.
  • Access to members-only content on our website, including:
    • the Job List, updated regularly with postings of academic and nonacademic jobs and internships for writers
    • publishing opportunities, grants, and awards information on the Opportunities page
    • the Community Writing Groups Directory, where you can find in-person and online writing groups that share your interests
    • Life After the MFA, a ten-part series dedicated to providing guidance to those embarking on a post-MFA writing journey
    • Teaching Tools, a compilation of pedagogical resources for the creative writing classroom
    • AWP’s Guidelines & Hallmarks for degree-conferring programs in creative writing, which serve to establish professional standards in the field
  • Eligibility to find a mentor through Writer to Writer, a program that pairs new and established writers
  • Promotion of your newly-released book on our online Bookshelf, our affiliate page, and in The Writer’s Chronicle
  • A listing in our Directory of Members, a venue for networking and promoting your work
  • A reduced entry fee for the AWP Award Series