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National Poetry Month: A Poem a Holiday

AWP | April 2019

National Poetry Month 2019

Celebrate a holiday you have been looking forward to, with a poem to match, for National Poetry Month. No matter what you are celebrating, we hope these poems bring you joy and inspiration every day. These poems are for the week of April 22, 2019.

April 22—Earth Day

the earth is a living thing
By Lucille Clifton

April 23—Lost Dog Awareness Day

Lost Dog
By Ellen Bass

April 24—National Pigs in a Blanket Day

By Matthew Rohrer

April 25—National DNA Day

Millay’s Hair
By Ann Townsend

April 26—Arbor Day

The Forest Reverie
By Edgar Allen Poe, 1809-1849

April 27—National Tell Me a Story Day

Tell Me a Story
By Robert Penn Warren, 1905-1989

April 28—National Superhero Day

Love is Like a Faucet
By Yolanda Wisher

April 29—National Shrip Scampi Day

The Aura of the Blue Flower That is a Goddess
By Ray Young Bear

April 30—National Military Brats Day

A Military Brat
By Randy McClave

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