
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

AWP Congratulates Colleen Cable and Kathy Ridenhour

August 11, 2020

AWP is pleased to announce the promotion of Colleen Cable as our new Director of Conferences and Kathy Ridenhour as our new Director of Membership Services.

Colleen Cable

Director of Conferences

Colleen joined AWP in 2016 as the Conference Events Coordinator and became the Associate Director of Conferences in 2019. Colleen earned her MFA in fiction from the University of Maryland and is currently pursuing certification as an ADA Coordinator through the University of Missouri.



Kathy Ridenhour 

Director of Membership Services

Kathy Ridenhour has earned an MFA in poetry from Minnesota State University, Mankato, and an MFA in screenwriting from the American Film Institute (AFI) in Los Angeles. Kathy writes poetry, fiction, and screenplays and is currently working on her young adult novel Vendavel’s Magic Shop and a screen adaptation of Susan Ferrier’s 19th-century novel Marriage entitled Every Starry Light.




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