
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

#AWP21 Proposal Announcement

July 9, 2020

This has certainly been a year like no other! For AWP, the conference timeline has been delayed while we consider two options for #AWP21. The options are a hybrid meeting showcasing a robust and vibrant virtual element along with a smaller in-person meeting, or a completely virtual conference experience in March 2021. Because of the continued spikes in COVID-19 cases across the country, we are leaning toward a completely virtual conference for the safety of all, although we have not completely ruled out the possibility of a hybrid conference.

Right now, the #AWP20 events that were canceled are being formally deferred in our proposal system by event organizers to provide an accurate count of these events. The deferred events are wonderful, and we look forward to hosting them this year. 

In addition to hosting the deferred events at #AWP21, we are excited to announce we are opening the proposal system next week for first-time event organizers. Opening this opportunity only to those who have never proposed an event before will encourage new voices to take part in the conference. This will allow for many unheard and underrepresented voices to have ownership in #AWP21. AWP conference staff are in the process of creating resources tailored to first-time event organizers, and they will be released on our website soon. The proposal system will open on Thursday, July 16, and close on Wednesday, August 5.

Event organizers are often the ones who initiate the proposal, conceive of its topic, invite participants, and act as the liaison between AWP and the event's participants. They are the most involved members of our presenter pool. We are so excited to welcome first-time organizers to engage to the fullest extent in this proposal and event process. An event organizer may ask any participant to take part in their proposal, whether or not they have participated before. All participants must abide by AWP's participation policy of a two-event maximum. 

For those event organizers who are not able to submit this year, we feel your disappointment and hope you understand our mission to use this unique moment to give opportunity to the voices and perspectives that have not yet been heard at our conference. We look forward to seeing your proposal submission for #AWP22 and meeting in person in Philadelphia!


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