
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Open Mic: Share Your Voice

June 9, 2020

Black background with stage lights in the distance; a microphone in the foreground

Help AWP amplify and share voices in a virtual open mic compilation centered on #BlackLivesMatter. We want to create a series of compilation videos to share over the next month, consisting of readings submitted by members and non-members. We will need your help to do so! If you are interested in participating, please submit a video, no longer than two minutes, reading any written work related to the BLM movement, to Videos that are chosen will provide the following:

  • A hi-res photo of the reader.
  • A link where we can download the video (if you don’t have an area to upload, please let us know, we will provide you with a link to do so).
  • A copy of the content being read (for closed captioning).
  • Your Twitter/Instagram handles, if you would like to be tagged on those platforms.

By sending us your video, you agree that we may use it to post on our website and social media and that it may be edited.

Please email with any questions.

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