
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

AWP Says Goodbye to Diane Zinna

March 3, 2020

Dear AWP Community,

It is with great sadness that we report the resignation of Diane Zinna from AWP.  We are so grateful for Diane’s creativity and vision, as seen in programs such as Writer to Writer and #WritersServe. We regret her decision to leave the organization and wish her all the best in the future. 

As we laid out in our statement of March 2, we are moving forward with #AWP20. A majority of the board felt we must stand with the members of our community. We were guided in this decision by the responsiveness and information shared by the City of San Antonio and its public health officials and look forward to welcoming and supporting the community members who choose to join us. Visit our website at for updates on live-steaming of events so that you can join us from wherever you are.

The board is grateful for the continued dedication and hard work of the AWP staff, under the strong leadership of Cynthia Sherman.


Previous Story:
#AWP20 Updates Concerning the Coronavirus
March 2, 2020
Next Story:
A Note from AWP Staff
March 5, 2020

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