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NEA Announces New Grant Recipients

May 22, 2019

NEA LogoThe National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) recently announced its second round of grantees for the 2019 fiscal year—1,114 organizations, foundations, agencies, centers, and state and regional programs, initiatives, and partnerships from across all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and the five US jurisdictions, and representing a wide range of artistic disciplines—receiving a total of $80.4 million. Arts Endowment Acting Chairman Mary Anne Carter described those receiving funding as “reflecting the diverse artistic richness of our nation…varied in their size, scope, and artistic discipline.”

Among the grantees in the field of literature are the Academy of American Poets, Asian American Writers’ Workshop, Cave Canem Foundation, Hub City Writers Project, Kundiman, Lambda Literary Foundation, The Poetry Project, Split This Rock, and Woodland Pattern for their programming, prizes and fellowship initiatives. The Association of Writers & Writing Programs received funding for its annual conference & bookfair.

The NEA, which was established by Congress in 1965 to support arts learning, cultural heritage, and equal access to the arts, will continue to award grants in the coming months through the end of the fiscal year in September.


Image Credit: National Endowment for the Arts

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