
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Community Participation in the 2019 AWP Conference & Bookfair

August 6, 2018

The information below compiles demographics for presenters of accepted events, as well as information on the extent to which various communities participate in the 2019 AWP Conference & Bookfair.

Both gender and race data, and response rate for presenters is consistent with data we have made public over the past several years.

AWP uses responses in the aggregate only (in general sums and percentages) in reports to our funders and members. AWP never discloses anyone’s individual characteristics. AWP does not share individual characteristics with the subcommittee members who evaluate proposals.

Visit the page on How Events Are Selected for details about how the 2019 Portland Subcommittee made their selections. AWP is grateful to the subcommittee for their hard work in providing a balanced and inclusive schedule for the 2019 conference.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide this information. Over the next couple of months, we expect the data to change slightly, because some panelists must step off events if they are overcommitted to other accepted events. Event organizers will select replacements. AWP limits the number of events in which any one presenter may participate in order to increase the participation and inclusivity of the conference.

When applicable, comparable data is taken from the 2016 Census.

There are image alt tags describing each chart for the convenience of those using screen readers or similar assistive devices.

2019 Presenters Who Identified Themselves by Gender*

This pie graph shows the number of AWP presenters who identified their gender. The graph shows that 1,333 presenters identify as female, 550 as male, 2 as agender, 1 as androgynous, 1 as bigender, 8 as cisgender, 15 as gender fluid, 18 as genderqueer, 2 as transsexual, 10 as transgender. 135 presenters identify multiple genders. 9 identified as “a gender not identified here.”

(Click the above graph for a larger version)

*Statistics reflect a 93.1% response rate among 2019 presenters.
**Presenters identifying as multiple genders include presenters who identify as transgender (8), identify as male (15), identify as gender fluid (24), as genderqueer (47), as transsexual (6), as Two-Spirit (8), as female (34), as cisgender (2), as agender (2), as androgynous (5), and identify as a gender not identified here (3).

2019 Presenters by Gender Compared to US Census*

This bar chart compares the percentage of AWP presenters identifying as male and female with the percentage of the US population identifying as male and female as determined by the 2016 US Census. 60.8% of AWP presenters identify as female compared to 50.8% on the US Census. 25.1% of AWP presenters identify as male compared to 49.2% on the US Census.

(Click the above graph for a larger version)

*Unfortunately, the US Census only defines gender in terms of female and male, and there is no comparable data for AWP’s presenters who are Agender, Androgynous, Bigender, Cisgender, Intersex, Gender Fluid, Transgender, Transsexual, and a gender not identified here.

2019 Proposed Presenters by Gender Compared to Accepted Presenters*

This bar chart compares the number of proposed presenters by gender compared to accepted presenters. 2 accepted presenter and 1 proposed presenter identifies as transsexual, 10 accepted presenters and 0 proposed presenters identify as transgender, 550 accepted presenters and 997 proposed presenters identify as male, 0 accepted presenters and 1 proposed presenter identifies as intersex, 18 accepted presenters and 27 proposed presenters identify as genderqueer, 15 accepted and 19 proposed presenters identify as gender fluid, 1333 accepted presenters and 2308 proposed presenters identify as female, 8 accepted presenters and 12 proposed presenters identify as cisgender, 1 accepted presenter and 2 proposed presenter identifies as bigender, 1 accepted presenter and 2 proposed presenters identify as androgynous, 2 accepted presenters and 4 proposed presenters identify as agender, 135 accepted presenters and 87 proposed presenters identify as multiple genders, and 9 accepted presenters and 19 proposed presenters identify as a gender not identified here.

(Click the above graph for a larger version)

*Statistics reflect a 93.1% response rate among 2019 presenters.
**This data represents a 50% acceptance rate for Agender proposed presenters, a 50% acceptance rate for Androgynous, a 50% acceptance rate for Bigender, a 66.6% acceptance rate for Cisgender, a 0% acceptance rate for Intersex, a 57.75% acceptance rate for Female, a 78.9% acceptance rate for Gender Fluid, a 55.2% acceptance rate for Male, a 100% acceptance rate for Transgender, a 100% acceptance rate for Transsexual, and 47.4% acceptance rate for a gender not identified here.

2019 Presenters Who Identify Themselves by Race*

This pie chart shows the number of AWP presenters who identified themselves by race. The graph shows that 31 identify as American Indian or Alaskan Native, 220 as Asian, 204 as Black or African American, 159 as Latino, 4 as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, 877 as White, and 101 as “a race not identified here.”

(Click the above graph for a larger version)

*Statistics reflect a 81.9% response rate among 2019 presenters.
** Presenters identifying as mixed race include American Indian or Alaskan Native (56), as Asian (58), as Black or African American (68), as Latino (69), as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (18), as White (127), as a race not identified here (55).

2019 Presenters by Race Compared to US Census*

This image is a bar graph that shows the percentage of AWP presenters self-identified as a particular race to that of the 2016 Census. The graph shows that 1.4% of AWP presenters and 1.3% of the US population identifies as American Indian or Alaskan Native. 5.7% of AWP presenters and 5.7% of the US population identifies as Asian. 9.3% of AWP presenters and 13.3% of the US population identify as Black or African American. 7.3% of AWP presenters and 17.8% of the US population identify as Latino. 9.0% of AWP presenters and 2.6% of the US population identify as Mixed Race. 0.2% of AWP presenters and 0.2% of the US population identify as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. 40.0% of AWP presenters and 76.9% of the US population identify as White. Please note that the US Census does not allow respondents to select a race not identified here. 4.6% of AWP presenters identified as a race not identified here.

(Click the above graph for a larger version)

*AWP statistics reflect a 81.9% response rate among 2019 presenters.
** The US Census does not have any comparable data that corresponds to a race not identified here.  

2019 Proposed Presenters by Race Compared to Accepted Presenters*

This bar chart shows the number of proposed presenters by race as compared to accepted presenters for 2019. 31 accepted presenters and 42 proposed presenters identify as American Indian or Alaskan Native, 220 accepted presenters and 243 proposed presenters identify as Asian, 204 accepted presenters and 245 proposed presenters identify as Black or African American, 159 accepted presenters and 197 proposed presenters identify as Latino, 199 accepted presenters and 304 proposed presenters identify as mixed race, 4 accepted presenters and 9 proposed presenters identify as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, 877 accepted presenters and 1992 proposed presenters identify as White, and 101 accepted presenters and 147 proposed presenters identify as a race not identified here.

(Click the above graph for a larger version)

*Statistics reflect a 81.9% response rate among 2019 presenters.
**This data represents a 73.8% acceptance rate for American Indian or Alaskan Native proposed presenters, a 90.5% acceptance rate for Asian, a 83.2% acceptance rate for Black or African American, a 80.7% acceptance rate for Latino, 65.5% acceptance rate for Mixed Race, a 44.4% acceptance rate for Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, a 44.0% acceptance rate for White, and a 68.7% acceptance rate for a race not identified here.

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