
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

2019 Accepted Community Events

July 31, 2018

283 accepted events identified themselves as related to a particular affinity group. AWP accepted a total of 556 events out of 1,715 proposals. AWP received the most proposals in its history for #AWP19. The overall acceptance rate was 32% of the proposed events.

The events referenced below are self-identified, in their titles or descriptions, as events dedicated to the representation of specific literary communities, as follows:

  • 20 African-American events (45% acceptance rate among self-identifying proposals)
  • 26 Asian-American events (55% acceptance rate among self-identifying proposals)
  • 24 disabilities events (41% acceptance rate among self-identifying proposals)
  • 96 feminist and women’s issues events (37% acceptance rate among self-identifying proposals)
  • 15 graduate students and adjunct faculty events (47% acceptance rate among self-identifying proposals)
  • 12 Indigenous events (50% acceptance rate among self-identifying proposals)
  • 32 international and translation events (43% acceptance rate among self-identifying proposals)
  • 12 K-12 events (41% acceptance rate among self-identifying proposals)
  • 21 Latino events (41% acceptance rate among self-identifying proposals)
  • 39 LGBTQ events (44% acceptance rate among self-identifying proposals)
  • 12 religion-related events (38% acceptance rate among self-identifying proposals)
  • 109 social justice and multicultural events (45% acceptance rate among self-identifying proposals)
  • 3 veterans events (50% acceptance rate among self-identifying proposals)

Many of these 283 events host discussions about more than one of these communities, and so they are counted as part of each community with which they engage. Many members of these communities also participate in other events that are not listed here, as this data quantifies topics, not individuals. This tally of self-identifying events lists only those events that, in their titles or descriptions, declare affiliations with these communities. For instance, graduate students and adjunct faculty participate in many other events that are not labeled by the terms “students” or “adjuncts.” Many readings inclusive of people of color or the LGBTQ community are simply billed as readings and are therefore not counted here, though they are represented in other demographic data. The diversity of the conference extends far beyond this tally of 283 self-identifying events addressed to the concerns of one or more affinity groups.

AWP remains committed to programming that reflects the interests of the many communities of literature, and will provide additional demographic information on August 2, 2018.

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