
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Cynthia Sherman: Director of Conferences

June 29, 2018

Cynthia Sherman headshotAWP is pleased to announce the promotion of Cynthia Sherman as our new Director of Conferences. Cynthia joined AWP in 2012 as the Associate Director of Conferences & Bookfair Manager. Under her capable oversight and direction, AWP’s bookfair has become the largest independent bookfair in North America. Her promotion to the Directorship provides AWP with a fresh approach to conference design, organization, and management moving forward, as we continue to provide programs and services of value to all of the diverse groups represented by AWP. With over twenty years of experience in meetings and exhibits management, Cynthia brings her ability to listen, analyze, and lead—thoughtfully and enthusiastically—to the conference. In her free time, Cynthia loves to travel with her daughters and their pups, practice yoga, and design jewelry.

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