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The Nation Names New Poetry Editors

August 10, 2017

The Nation magazine will have two new poetry editors, Steph Burt and Carmen Giménez Smith. Their tenure begins September 15, when poetry submissions open for the year, and they take over from the previous poetry editor, Ange Mlinko. This is the first time in The Nation’s history they will have two poetry editors at once, which they are “very excited about,” said Literary Editor David Marcus to AWP.

Marcus continued to explain their plan to build a “more robust poetry vertical online”: “Steph, Carmen, and the rest of the Books & Arts team plan on developing an online space for The Nation's poetry that will play host to not only the poems that appear in our print magazine but also online-only poems, interviews, and poetry criticism.”

Steph Burt (who also goes by Stephen and Stephanie) is a professor of English at Harvard University and the author of several books of poetry and literary criticism. Her new book, Advice from the Lights, will be published by Graywolf in October 2017. Carmen Giménez Smith is a professor of English at Virginia Tech, a CantoMundo fellow, and the author of a memoir and four poetry collections, including Milk and Filth, a finalist for the 2013 National Book Critics Circle award in poetry. She is also the publisher of Noemi Press.

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