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University Press Week Begins!

November 10, 2015

UPW LogoUniversity Press Week, an annual celebration of academic presses, launched this past Sunday.

Throughout the week until Saturday, Nov. 14, the Association of American University Presses (AAUP) will highlight the contributions of one hundred and thirty-plus member presses, using the hashtags #ReadUP and #UPShelfie on social media; if you participate, you have a chance win a bag of books and other items from AAUP members!

Academic presses aren’t the only members of AAUP, though; in addition to publishers, AAUP will feature the works of museums, scholarly societies, think tanks, research centers, and independent publishers—who all show commitment to publishing scholarly work.

AAUP will also host two online panels: one on Tuesday, Nov. 10, will focus on the “Reinvention of the Academic Press,” and the other, on Friday, Nov. 13, will discuss the process of publication by an academic publisher.

Learn more about AAUP’s plans with this calendar of events displaying events near you.

In other news, AAUP has announced its opening of a Washington, DC, office housed with the Brookings Institution, an AAUP member press; the AAUP will still hold its headquarters in New York City under the direction of Executive Director Peter Berkery.

Berkery said in AAUP’s statement that the additional office would help the organization expand “more broadly into scholarly communications, global higher education policies, and to the humanities and technology issues.”

Jimmy Carter first established UPW in 1978 to commemorate the centennial of the first university-affiliated press in the country: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Related News: UPW conveniently overlaps with Academic Book Week, or #AcBookWeek, an international event that promotes awareness of the value of the academic book.


Image Credit: AAUP

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News Roundup
November 6, 2015

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