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How Does Amazon Ban Book Reviews by "Friends"?

July 15, 2015

Amazon has been accused of using social media data to ban readers from reviewing their friends’ books, according to the Guardian.

The accusation arose after independent author Imy Santiago tried to post a review of a book on Amazon, and then received a form message that claimed she was “ineligible to review this product.” When Santiago emailed Amazon to receive more information, a representative responded that she was ineligible to review the book because her account indicated that she had a personal relationship with the author.
As per Amazon’s new customer review guidelines, if Amazon decides that you’re “friends” with a favorite author, you’re not permitted to write an Amazon review of that author’s book; however, Santiago said that she did not know the author personally, and would like to know how the company gathers information that suggests the relationship.

Amazon replied: “Due to the proprietary nature of our business, we do not provide detailed information on how we determine that accounts are related.”

These new changes have prompted allegations of “Big Brother” activity, as well as a petition calling on Amazon to reverse its policy, organized by author Jas Ward, whose petition reads:

In the world where both indie and traditional authors are using all tools available to try to get their latest books out to the reader, it’s essential for the authors and their associates to use social media, i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

With that being said, a reader is therefore going to have cookies and data when they see that interaction and very likely would have LIKED and/or followed the author’s pages and other avenues being a fan of the author’s work. They are fans after all—they want to know what an author does and their current news and title releases.

Your current process of removing reviews that a reader has created to show their honest and sincere opinion on a book is not fair and cripples the review process more than assists.

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