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Zadie Smith to Cowrite Sci-Fi Screenplay

July 8, 2015

Zadie Smith Zadie Smith, the author of the acclaimed novel White Teeth, will assist French director Claire Denis in the writing of an English-language screenplay, according to the New York Times. This will be Smith’s first effort at writing for the screen, and Denis’s first effort at writing a film in English.

“I am delighted that Claire has been tempted to cross the channel and make a film in English,” said Oliver Dungey, one of the producers of the forthcoming film. “[S]he is one of the greats of contemporary cinema, and she’s assembled a quite extraordinary team to make exactly the kind of ambitious film that audiences cherish—completely original, genuinely pushing the boundaries of art and science, and, above all, extremely entertaining.”

The film, which has no name as of yet, will be set in space, according to Screen International.

This isn’t Smith’s first foray into film, though. In the early 2000s, Smith’s White Teeth was made into a four-part miniseries in Britain. Moreover, a film adaptation of her 2005 novel, On Beauty, is currently underway.

Smith’s husband, the novelist and poet Nick Laird, will also contribute screenwriting for the film.

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