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@GuyInYourMFA a Literary Sensation on Twitter

October 1, 2014

Since its inception last week, a new Twitter account called GuyInYourMFA has amassed thousands of followers.

Whoever’s running the GuyInYourMFA account has already posted hundreds of concise and satiric tweets parodying the ambitious but over-confident MFA student. Here are five of AWP’s publications staff favorites:

“The first chapter is my character shaving. He nicks himself. The second chapter describes the droplet of blood in exquisite detail.”

“Will @parisreview accept an audio recording of me reading my 111,000 word story as a submission?”

“As a postmodernist writer, I often refer to “knowledge” in the plural.”

“I didn’t read your piece, but I can just tell from the font that it’s pretty cliché and highly derivative.”

“My work is all produced on a typewriter. No electronic backup. It’s a nihilist thing, I don’t know if you’d understand.”

Join in on the hilarity.

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