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New England Review Sponsorship Threatened

September 1, 2009

Middlebury College, host of the New England Review, announced in May plans to sever sponsorship unless the literary journal eliminates its operating deficit and becomes self-supporting. A memo from Middlebury’s president, Ron Liebowitz, posted on the college’s website reads: “The New England Review will have until December 31, 2011, to eliminate its current operating deficit. If it cannot, the College will end its relationship with the Review.” Middlebury’s Budget Oversight Committee initially recommended canceling support on June 30 of this year; Liebowitz, however, elected to extend funding until late 2011. A more recent posting by the president to his blog, Ron on Middlebury, dated June 2, defends the decision. Liebowitz adds that the college is committed in helping editor Stephen Donadio devise ways to increase revenues and reduce costs so that the journal can continue to operate.

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Obama's New Community College Plan
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