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$3.3 Million Bequest to Southern Methodist University (SMU)

February 1, 2008

Dr. Laurence PerrineDr. Laurence Perrine, an English Professor at SMU, died at the age of 80 in 1995. Royalties from his classic textbooks, Sound and Sense and Story and Structure—which were first published in the 1950s and then became the most influential works in American education- continued to add to the estate of his wife Chathrine. Mrs. Perrine, before she died last year, honored his association with the university by bequeathing $3.3 million to the English Department at SMU. According the the Dallas Morning News, The Laurence and Catherine Perrine Endowed Chair in English to support a faculty position specializing in creative writing will be established for $1.5 million. $1 million will be used to establish the Laurence and Catherine Perrine Endowed President’s Scholarship Fund for at least two President’s Scholarships for students of Dedman College. The remainder of the Perrine bequest will establish the Perrine Endowed University Scholarship Fund to provide scholarships for English majors, who will be known as Perrine Scholars in English. Dr. Perrine originally wrote Sound and Sense for his SMU poetry class.

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