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Unemployment Tougher on Arts Graduates

January 6, 2012

A new study from Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce states that the rate of success in the current job market is related to one’s major in college. With the unemployment rate for recent college graduates at a depressing 8.9%, the study looked to answer this question: Is it still worth it to go to college? Their answer, after exhaustive research that didn’t necessarily provide any newfound confidence in higher education, was unequivocally yes, of course. But what the study discovered was that Arts majors face a much higher jobless rate, 11.5%, than most others. The good news is that overall unemployment for people with graduate degrees is only 3%.

The study went on to say that undergraduate majors geared toward creating technology rather than using it were more likely to get jobs and higher salaries. The general trend for higher unemployment rates leans toward nontechnical majors like Social Sciences and Arts. The worst rate of unemployment, 13.9%, occurs for Architecture graduates. Median salary for recent Arts graduates is $30,000 compared to $55,000 for Engineering grads.  

Read the full report, in summary or in full, at

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