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R.H.W. Dillard, 2007 George Garrett Award Recipient

Richard Dillard teaches at Hollins University. He is the editor of the Hollins Critic and author of The Day I Stopped Dreaming About Barbara Steele and Other Poems; News of the Nile; After Borges; The Greeting: New & Selected Poems; The Book of Changes; Horror Films; The First Man on the Sun; Understanding George Garrett; Just Here, Just Now; Omniphobia; Sallies; and many stories, poems, essays, and literary translations.

“I cannot imagine anyone more deserving of this award than Richard Dillard, whose entire valuable life has been spent supporting writers, literature, and cultural literacy,” said Lee Smith, AWP’s 2007 Keynote Speaker and a former student of Mr. Dillard.


Each year, AWP welcomes nominations for the George Garrett Award for Outstanding Community Service in Literature. Consult our award guidelines for more information. Award recipients are selected by AWP's Board of Directors.