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2024 AWP Prize for Undergrad Lit Mags Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 AWP Prize for Undergrad Lit Mags, selected by Erin Slaughter! The below magazines were chosen out of a large selection of fantastic submissions; they showcase the exceptional talent of the undergraduate writers and editors who contributed.

Honorable mentions: Humble Pie, Volume 20 (California College of the Arts); Catch Magazine, Volume 55, Number 2 (Knox College); The Lavender, Issue 10, “Excess” (Wesleyan University)

First Place

Jay Baron Nicorvo Winner: Palatine Hill Review, Edition 50, “growing pains”
Institution: Lewis & Clark College

“The unique, professional-quality design of Palatine Hill Review is a perfect complement to the writing and art found within. Curating multimodal and hybrid literary work alongside outstanding traditional literature, this journal shows its commitment to its legacy and writing community with an issue that is fresh and propulsive, inviting readers to linger inside its fascinating world.” —Erin Slaughter

Second Place

Benjamin Grossberg Winner: Driftwood, Volume 43
Institution: Point Loma Nazarene University

Third Place

Benjamin Grossberg Winner: B222, Issue 2, Fall 2023
Institution: Sheridan College