
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

2025 AWP Conference & Bookfair

Individual Conference Registration

Registration rates vary according to purchase date and category. If you are not a member of AWP, purchase a combined registration and one-year membership to enjoy the extensive benefits of both. Students and seniors are eligible for a discounted rate. Nonmember registrations are also available!
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Virtual Individual Conference Registration

Registration rates vary according to purchase date and category. If you are not a member of AWP, purchase a combined registration and one-year membership to enjoy the extensive benefits of both. Students and seniors are eligible for a discounted rate. Nonmember registrations are also available!
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Saturday Only Individual Conference Registration

Registration rates vary according to purchase date and category. If you are not a member of AWP, purchase a combined registration and one-year membership to enjoy the extensive benefits of both.
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Presenter Conference Registration

In-person and virtual conference presenters enjoy discounted registration and the option to purchase a one-year membership.
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Bookfair Exhibit Purchase & Registration

Exhibit at #AWP25 and promote your organization to thousands of writers, readers, and students.

Sponsor & Partner Registration

Become a sponsor to secure a number of free registrations for your authors, faculty, students, or staff. Literary partner registration for #AWP25 is by invitation only.
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Attendee Terms & Conditions

#AWP24 Anti-Harassment Policy

Refund Policy

Accessibility Services