
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Summer 2020 Cover Image

If You Don’t Know Me by Now…

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E. Ethelbert Miller
When the term “Black Lives Matter” found its Marco Polo moment, everyone was struck by the discovery of the spice of blackness.

What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Identity

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Eileen Cronin
Right now, a good portion of 57 million Americans may be deciding whether to earn a living or stay alive at home, if they have a home, but what do we know about life with a disability in America?


Imagining Your Way through Pandemic: A Love Letter for Students of Creative Writing in Times of Crisis

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Emily Carr
Let’s tell it together: with grace and vulnerability, with discipline and generosity, with an urgency that isn’t—finally—allowed the pettiness of our species.


Writing in a Time of Disaster

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Debra Spark
Trouble, as we all know, forces a reordering of priorities, in a rather unhappy way. So long, petty concerns!


What The Plague Can Teach Us About Ourselves

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Michael C. White
As for those citizens in Camus’s world, America is not a friendly place to be sick even in good times; during a plague, it’s a disaster.