
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

October/November 2016 Cover Image

Towards a New Creative Writing Pedagogy

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Fred D'Aguiar
I saw race (one crucial piece to the diversity puzzle) as locked in a long battle with the country’s rulers as the nation struggled to realize its potential by including all its citizens and by giving up on the promotion of the majority by keeping down and exploiting minorities.


On Becoming "A Fully Initiated Human Being": Yusef Komunyakaa on Playwriting & Poetry

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Michael S. Collins plays I feel and live the interaction between characters. Also, I hear language slightly different.


Ferguson, Whiteness as Default, & the Teaching of Creative Writing

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David Mura
As writers of color, we don’t have video recordings; the word is all we have. So why wouldn’t a similar disbelief confront us in the creative writing classroom, whether in terms of our actual writings or the views we express in class discussions?


In Our Way: Racism in Creative Writing

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Claudia Rankine
We really can't continue pathologizing people of color in order to maintain our benevolent narratives around white supremacy. We in this community can be better than that.


An Interview with Brian Evenson

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Mika Yamamoto
Good fiction is not trying to imitate life or trying to reproduce what’s going on in life. Life serves as a catalyst, as a provocation that leads to something fictional that’s interesting.


An Elegy for the Elegist: Claudia Emerson

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Andrew Hudgins
Claudia was too engagingly thoughtful and too vibrant an artist to be anything but exhilarating to read.


Women Writing Violence

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Aimee Parkison
...women who write about violence are often misunderstood and the trend of women writing violence is often ignored.