
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

April 2020 Cover Image

A Light Goes On In Me: Laura Jensen’s Singular Poetry

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Marianne Boruch, Sharon Bryan, Joy Manesiotis, Kevin Prufer, & Molly Spencer
The poetry of Laura Jensen contains something of Emily Dickinson’s oddness and dissonance, something of Robert Frost’s connection to nature, and something of Elizabeth Bishop’s intelligence.


An Interview with Eleni Sikelianos

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Khadijah Queen
Sometimes knowledge feels like it resides more toward one place or the other (if place can be a generalized gathering or a body, which it is).


Speculative Nonfiction: A Composite Interpretation

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Susanne Paola Antonetta, Amy Benson, Sabrina Orah Mark, & Elissa Washuta
The following essays by Suzanne Antonetta, Amy Benson, Sabrina Orah Mark, and Elissa Washuta, delineate writing practices that do not concede empathic invention, mythologizing, futurism, and the unseen aspects of perception and consciousness to fiction.


Auto-Fictional Short Stories and Choices in Craft: A Close Look at the Work of Mary Lavin

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Kristin Burcham
And perhaps evolution is the ultimate result for writers who revisit autobiographical material throughout their writing careers. As time passes, craft develops, and age brings shifting perspectives.


The Lyric Mode: Crip Time & Its Metaphors

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Emily Rose Cole
Let us reach for the right words to describe our bodies and their trials. We will fail in our descriptions. Language itself will fail. Language is not enough. But let us admit, at least, that metaphor is the closest we will get to it.


"I am constantly finding ways to create language anew": An Interview with Bernardine Evaristo

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Michael Collins
I realize now that a progressive society can quickly regress when charismatic demagogues are given too much of a platform and scapegoat certain sections of society, and when politician’s personal ambition outweigh their principles. This is what has happened in the UK with Brexit. We need to resist, to speak out, to protest now—because later might be too late.


Extending the World: An Interview with Esmé Weijun Wang

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Leslie McGrath
...fiction involves so much wandering in strange lands, and wandering in controlled, safe ways, to boot.


Suggested Teaching Guide for “Who’s Colluding? The Case for Collaborative Writing” by Sally Ashton

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Brian Brodeur
One consistent trend among contemporary writers in any genre is collaboration between two or more authors on a single work.


"Embracing my tribe of writers": A Conversation with Sue William Silverman

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Supriya Bhatnagar
My legacy? In my own small way to help ensure that future writers are part of, included in, the embrace.