
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Allegheny College

Pennsylvania, United States

Residential program

Students at Allegheny College are part of a vibrant program that includes introductory and advanced workshops in each genre (poetry, fiction, and nonfiction) and an extensive senior creative writing project conducted under the direction of one of the department's three creative writing professors. Students also study the literary and critical context of English studies in traditional literature classes. The college's Single Voice Reading Series brings several internationally-known authors to campus each year, many of whom conduct master classes for student writers. Students may also participate in the production of the Allegheny Review, a national literary journal of undergraduate creative writing; Overkill, a completely student-run alternative literary magazine;and The Campus, Allegheny's student newspaper.

Allegheny College is a national liberal arts college located in Northwestern Pennsylvania. It is one of only 40 schools included in Loren Pope's book Colleges That Change Lives, and a place where 1,600 students of unusual combinations come together to cultivate their talents and intellects.

Contact Information

Department of English, Box 95
520 N. Main Street
Pennsylvania, United States


Undergraduate Program Director

Jennie Votava
Department of English, Box 95
520 N. Main Street
Pennsylvania, United States

Students at Allegheny College are part of a vibrant program that includes introductory and advanced workshops in each genre (poetry, fiction, and nonfiction) and an extensive senior creative writing project conducted under the direction of one of the department's three creative writing professors. Students also study the literary and critical context of English studies in traditional literature classes. The college's Single Voice Reading Series brings several internationally-known authors to campus each year, many of whom conduct master classes for student writers. Students may also participate in the production of the Allegheny Review, a national literary journal of undergraduate creative writing; Overkill, a completely student-run alternative literary magazine;and The Campus, Allegheny's student newspaper.

Allegheny College is a national liberal arts college located in Northwestern Pennsylvania. It is one of only 40 schools included in Loren Pope's book Colleges That Change Lives, and a place where 2,100 students of unusual combinations come together to cultivate their talents and intellects.

Type of Program: Studio/Research
Largest Class Size: 15
Smallest Class Size: 6
Unit of Measure: Hours
Other: Creative writing majors complete a semester-long creative senior project.
Total Units for Degree: 128


Christopher Bakken

Eternity and Oranges; Honey, Olives, Octopus: Adventures at the Greek table; After Greece; Goat Funeral; The Lion's Gate: Selected Poems of Titos Patrikios

Matthew Ferrence

Appalachia North: a memoir; All-American Redneck

Mari Christmas

2021 Rona Jaffe Fellow


Recent visitors include Richard Blanco, Benjamin Busch, Carolyn Forché, Nick Lantz, Brenda Miller, Natalie Bakopoulos, Scott Russell Sanders