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Winners of the 2001 AWP Award Series

The AWP Award Series in Creative Nonfiction

Winner: Jill Christman
Darkroom: An Autobiography, University of Georgia Press

Barry Sanders, Judge

Jill Christman earned her MFA at the University of Alabama, and now works as the Coordinator of the Creative Writing Program at the University of Minnesota. The first chapter of Dark room appeared in the Summer 2001 issue of River City.

The AWP/Thomas Dunne Books Novel Award

The judges found no manuscript that merited the award this year.

The AWP Award Series in Poetry

Winner: Gray Jacobik
Brave Disguises, University of Pittsburgh Press

Marilyn Chin, Judge

Gray Jacobik’s book, The Double Task (Univ. of Massachusetts Press, 1998), received The Juniper Prize and was nominated for The James Laughlin Award and The Poet’s Prize. Her most recent book, The Surface of Last Scattering (Texas Review Press, 1999), received the X.J. Kennedy Poetry Prize. She earned her PhD from Brandeis University. She is professor of literature at Eastern Connecticut State in Willimantic, and currently lives in Pomfret, Connecticut.

The AWP Award Series in Short Fiction

Winner: Christie Hodgen
A Jeweler’s Eye for Flaw , University of Massachusetts Press

Frederick Barthelme, Judge

Christie Hodgen was born in Worcester, Massachusetts and attended the University of Virginia and Indiana University. She lives with her husband in Columbia, Missouri, where she is pursuing a PhD at the University of Missouri. Her work has appeared in New Stories from the South 2001 and Scribner’s Best of the Fiction Workshops 1999. Her awards include the Tobias Wolff Award for Fiction, the Ernest Hemingway Days Festival Short Story Prize, and the Quarterly West Novella Prize, among others.

List of Winners

The Donald Hall Prize for Poetry and Grace Paley Prize for Short Fiction are made possible by the generous support of:

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See a list of previous AWP Award Series winners.