
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Writer's Calendar

The AWP Writer's Calendar contains a list of upcoming events for writers; deadlines for grants, awards, and calls for submission; and deadlines for AWP contests and programs. Certain calendar listings, such as AWP and WC&C events, are available to all users. Become a member today to begin exploring our listings of grants, awards, and publication opportunities.

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Aug Oct September 2024

Calendar of Events

September 1st

  • 2024 Writing By Writers Fall Manuscript Boot Camp-App. Deadline
    More info

September 3rd

September 6th

  • First Friday Book Talk & Reading - Sept. 2024
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  • First Friday Book Talk & Reading - Sept. 2024 -App. Deadline
    More info

September 9th

  • Cinematic Storytelling: An Introduction to Screenwriting
    More info

September 11th

  • Hedgebrook Writers Conference 2024-App. Deadline
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  • Winter Writers Residency 2025-App. Deadline
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September 13th

September 16th

  • Book Club and Craft Seminar for Writers
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  • Book Club and Craft Seminar for Writers-App. Deadline
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  • Children's Lit Conference-App. Deadline
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September 18th

  • 2024 Writing By Writers Monterey Bay Workshop
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September 19th

September 21st

  • Slam Made Simple: A Practical Approach to Competitive Poetry
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  • Slam Made Simple: A Practical Approach to Competitive Poetry-App. Deadline
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September 28th

September 30th

  • Desert Nights, Rising Stars Writers Conference-App. Deadline
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  • All Write, Columbia, Nonfiction Writers Conference-App. Deadline
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  • Wayfaring Writers-App. Deadline
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Writer's Calendar

A contest view of the Writer's Calendar is below.