
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Previous Writer to Writer Mentees

Sakae Manningk

Sakae Manning

Fall 2019 Session

Sakae Manning’s work centers on historical and contemporary alliances, solidarity, and intersectionality among women of color. Her work may be read in Carve Magazine, Dryland, Making Waves: An Anthology of Asian-American Women Writers, and the Salt River Review. Manning was writer-in-residence at the Annenberg Community Beach House, where she produced public programs focused on women writers of color. She is a member of Women Who Submit and the Mount Washington Writers Workshop. Manning is a 2019 Summer Fishtrap Writes Fellow and a returning resident at the Dorland Mountain Arts Colony and is currently working on a novel, Kimono Blues.

Sakae Manning worked with Jenny Lee Ferguson.

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