
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Previous Writer to Writer Mentees

Meg Kinghorn

Meg Kinghorn

Spring 2016 Session

Meg Kinghorn has led and coached writers to cultivate productive feedback and thriving writing communities since 2009. She currently teaches creative nonfiction through the University of Utah’s Lifelong Learning Program. Meg also facilitates as a mentor with the DiverseCity Writing Series, a Community Writing Center program located in Salt Lake City, Utah, and has been featured in their sine cera publication. She contributed as an author in the Utah Cultural Celebration Center's 2012 Ekphrasis Exhibit, and she was named as a finalist in the Lascaux Flash 2013 Flash Fiction contest. She is currently working on a series of creative nonfiction essays.

Meg worked with the writer Brandi Granett.

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