
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Previous Writer to Writer Mentees

Alice Christy

Alice Christy

Spring 2017 Session

Alice Christy is the poetry pseudonym of writer Bethel Swift, chosen from Catherine Marshall’s novel Christy, about a young missionary teacher, Christy Huddleston, and her mentor, Alice Henderson. Alice holds a BA in journalism, a passion for poetry, and a heart for encouraging artists to engage in gratitude, self-care, and social justice activism. Her poetry has been displayed at Columbia College Chicago and published in Expressions From Englewood, and her journalism in Chicago Parent Magazine, Relevant Magazine, and other publications. For more information, please see her poetry, photography, and interdisciplinary arts site at: and feel free to follow her on most social media platforms.

Alice Christy worked with the poet Sandy Coomer.

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