
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

#AWP25 Attendee FAQ

If your question does not appear in any of our FAQs, please contact us at

Registration FAQs

Q: When will registration open?

Conference registration will open in late September 2024.

Q: What will an in-person registration include?

An in-person registration to #AWP25 includes admission to all events, readings, panel discussions, meetings, the bookfair, and public receptions over the days of the conference, Thursday, March 27, through Saturday, March 29. All in-person registrations also include access to all virtual conference programming and content. Meals, lodging, and travel are not included.

Q: Will I be able to attend #AWP25 virtually?

The 2025 AWP Conference & Bookfair will offer a virtual-only registration for those who want to experience prerecorded virtual events and a limited number of events live streamed from the in-person conference in Los Angeles, California. More information about virtual registration will be available in late September 2024.

Q: If I can’t afford a registration, are there any other options?

If the registration cost is presenting a barrier to you participating in the conference, you can choose to participate in the work-exchange program or apply for an AWP Conference Community Scholarship.

The work-exchange program provides a free in-person registration to participants in exchange for four hours of volunteering during the conference. More information about the 2025 work-exchange program will be available in fall 2024.

The AWP Conference Community Scholarship is a program aimed at increasing access to the AWP Conference & Bookfair for attendees of color, attendees with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ attendees, and attendees who are low-income. Applications for the 2025 AWP Conference Community Scholarship will open in fall 2024.

Events FAQs

Q: What is the format for the 2025 AWP Conference & Bookfair?

Following the 2024 AWP Conference & Bookfair, AWP will once again incorporate a virtual component for #AWP25. In addition to offering our full in-person event schedule in Los Angeles, California on March 26–29, 2025, we will live stream a limited number of in-person events and offer a selection of prerecorded virtual events on demand.

The in-person registration will include access to all in-person and virtual programming. A virtual-only registration will also be available for #AWP25 at a reduced registration rate and will include access to the prerecorded virtual events and a limited number of live streamed events.

Anyone is welcome to propose an in-person or virtual event for #AWP25 from April 3 to May 23, 2024. In-person events will last the usual seventy-five minutes, and prerecorded virtual events will last sixty minutes. Please note that due to limited staff and resources, not all in-person events can be live streamed for virtual audiences

Q: When will new event proposals be accepted?

The #AWP25 proposal system will open for new proposals on April 03, 2024. The deadline to submit an event is Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Q: Where can I find information about submitting an event proposal?

All event organizers and participants should read the updated event proposal guidelines and presenter guidelines before submitting an event proposal. Additional resources for submitting a proposal can be found on the Event Proposals overview page.

Q: How do I submit a proposal for a virtual conference event?

Detailed information about virtual events can be found on the Virtual Conference Events page. Virtual event proposals can be submitted through the same proposal system used for in-person event proposals. When submitting the proposal, the event organizer will simply need to select “I prefer that this session be prerecorded and made available on demand online” under the Event Preferences section.

Q: Why would I choose to hold my event virtually?

If you’re not planning on traveling to Los Angeles, California for the in-person conference, or if you know you will be busy in March 2025, virtual events are an excellent way to participate in the conference from wherever you are. All virtual events will be prerecorded in fall 2024 and do not require presenters to be present on-site at any point during the conference in March.

Q: I would prefer to hold my event in person in Los Angeles, but one of my presenters is not planning on attending in person. Can I still include that presenter in an in-person event proposal?

Yes! If you are planning on proposing an in-person event but would like to include a virtual presenter, you can request audio/visual equipment so that the presenter can Zoom in and participate with the on-site presenters during the event in March. Please note that all A/V requests must be made during the proposal submission process, and requests for this equipment will not be accepted after May 23, 2024.

Q: Why can’t my virtual event take place live?

While we wish we could allow virtual events to be presented live, we unfortunately do not have the staff and resources to provide the higher level of production these types of events require. All virtual conference events will be prerecorded to allow time for AWP staff to complete the postrecording process, which includes adding title slides, making any necessary edits, adding captions, and preparing the video file to be posted.

Q: Can I change my preference for an in-person or virtual event later in the conference cycle?

No, event organizers cannot change their preference for an in-person or virtual event at any point after submitting the proposal, even if the event is accepted. In-person and virtual events require different resources and planning, and we cannot allow events to change format once they have been evaluated and accepted.

Q: If I have a question about my event, whom should I contact?

If you have a question about any part of your event proposal, please reach out to the conference events manager at

Q: When will accepted events be announced?

Accepted events will be announced in late September 2024.

Q: Who selects the AWP Conference & Bookfair events from the proposals?

The conference subcommittee, composed of the committee chairs from the AWP Board of Directors as well as professionals from AWP’s membership, is responsible for accepting or rejecting proposals. Each subcommittee member spends approximately four weeks reading, reviewing, and ranking between 250 and 1,000 proposals. Each proposal is reviewed by at least four subcommittee members. All events are grouped, reviewed, and ranked alongside proposals of the same event type. Incomplete proposals are removed from consideration. For more information about the selection and scoring process, please see our event proposal guidelines. You may also view a list of the 2025 AWP Conference Subcommittee members.

Q: What does the overall #AWP25 conference events timeline look like?

Event proposals for #AWP25 will be accepted from April 3 to May 23, 2024. The deadline for all proposal participants to link their AWP account and add their short biography to the proposal is May 30, 2024. Accepted events will be announced on the AWP website and via email in late September 2024. Once all accepted event organizers have confirmed their event details, the full conference schedule will be announced in late October or early November 2024.

Bookfair FAQs

Q: Where can I find the latest information about the Bookfair?

Please visit the Bookfair page for the most up to date information.
More information about the #AWP25 Bookfair will be available in summer 2024. If you have any questions, please contact

Accessibility FAQs

Q: What accessibility accommodations are available for attendees?

AWP is committed to making arrangements that allow all attendees to participate in the conference. For a complete list of all the accommodations available to attendees, please visit our Accessibility Services page. Please direct any questions or specific requests to

Q: What is the deadline to request accessibility services for #AWP25?

Many accessibility services require advanced planning and reservations for a conference as large as AWP’s. To help us better prepare, all requests for accessibility services, equipment, or accommodations should be submitted in advance. AWP can best meet accessibility needs when requests are sent to by Friday, March 7, 2025. AWP will make every effort to accommodate requests that arrive after March 7.


Accessibility Services

Attendee Terms & Conditions

Anti-Harassment Policy

Refund Policy

2025 Annual Conference & Bookfair

March 26–29, 2025
Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles Convention Center


If your question does not appear in any of our FAQs, send us an email!