
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Media Specifications

If AWP is in need of a media file (approved photo, logo, audio, and/or video clip) from you, please review the following specifications. By sending the requested file, you agree that AWP has permission to use it for print, web, digital, and social media purposes. Approved media files should fit our requirements for size, resolution, and format as shown below.

Photo Requirements

  • We accept the following formats: JPEG, PNG, TIFF.
  • The file should be no larger than 20 MB.
  • Images should be sized to at least 1,920 pixels on the longest edge.
    • Lower-resolution images can pixelate or become blurry.
  • For printing purposes, images should be 300 dpi. 
  • Please include the name of the organization or contact person in the file and any photo credits when responding to the AWP staff member you are in contact with.

Logo Requirements

  • We accept the following formats: PDF, EPS, AI.
  • If you are unable to send us the formats listed above, please email or connect with the AWP staff member you are in contact with.

Video Requirements

  • We accept the following formats: MP4, AVI, MOV, M4V, MPEG, WMV, MOVIE.
  • For video resolution, we prefer high-definition (HD) quality with the following:
    • 16:9 aspect ratio
    • either 1280 by 720 or 1920 by 1080 resolution

Audio Requirements

  • We accept the following formats: MP3, WAV

In your response to us via email, please include any social media handles so that we may tag your correct Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. You can follow us on these platforms @awpwriter.

For any questions, please feel free to connect with us!