
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Photos & Graphics

Download the images below for use on your personal website or blog, a program's website, or an organization's website and link back to AWP. You may resize photos but please do not remove copyright information or modify the images in any other way.

AWP Logos

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Promotional Photos

Conference & Bookfair Badges 2025

You may link these images to AWP's website, or to a specific page in our website, such as the conference page or bookfair page, the bookfair's list of exhibitors, or the list of conference sponsors and literary partners.

2025 Conference & Bookfair Attendee

2025 AttendeeBadge 100x100 2025 Attendee Badge 100x100 2025 Attendee Badge 120x60 2025 Attendee Badge 120x60

2025 Bookfair Exhibitor

2025 Bookfair Exhibitor Badge 100x100 2025 Bookfair Exhibitor Badge 100x100 2025 Bookfair Exhibitor Badge 120x60 2025 Bookfair Exhibitor Badge 120x60

2025 Conference Presenter

2025 Conference Presenter Badge 100x100 2025 Conference Presenter Badge 100x100 2025 Conference Presenter Badge 120x60 2025 Conference Presenter Badge 120x60

2025 Major Sponsor

2025 Major Sponsor Badge 100x100 2025 Major Sponsor Badge 100x100 2025 Major Sponsor Badge 120x60 2025 Major Sponsor Badge 120x60

2025 Literary Partner

2025 Literary Partner Badge 100x100 2025 Literary Partner Badge 100x100 2025 Literary Partner Badge 120x60 2025 Literary Partner Badge 120x60

2025 Sponsor

2025 Sponsor Badge 100x100 2025 Sponsor Badge 100x100 2025 Sponsor Badge 120x60 2025 Sponsor Badge 120x60