
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Helpful Links

The following are links to organizations that participate in advocacy efforts or provide information to help you stay informed.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

A nonpartisan organization that conducts detailed research and analysis to inform public debates over proposed budget and tax policies.

Americans for the Arts

The nation’s leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts, Americans for the Arts published a comprehensive survey of the economic impact of the arts on American communities and found that nonprofit arts organizations generate billion annually for the U.S. economy and create 4.85 million full-time jobs.

American Library Association

This organization provides leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of libraries, and represents thousands of librarians from around the country. Here you’ll find information about nationwide cuts in library funding and about banned books.

National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

You can find information about the crisis in arts agency funding here.

American Association of State Colleges and Universities

Here you can find information about the rising costs of college tuition, room, and board.

National Priorities Project

This site lends transparency to complex federal budget information, and can help you prioritize and influence how your tax dollars are spent.

International Writing Centers Association

This organization fosters the development of writing center directors, tutors, and staff by sponsoring meetings, publications, and other professional activities.

Council of Writing Program Administrators

This is a national association of college and university faculty with professional responsibilities for (or interests in) directing writing programs.