
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Email Advertising

AWP's newsletter is sent to an average of 50,000+ subscribers every other week. We also offer ad space (below-the-fold banner only) in our Program Director mailings, Virtual AWP reminders, and the Writer’s Chronicle issue notification emails. The average open rate across all AWP emails is an impressive 48% thanks to subscribers that include AWP members, conference attendees, and any interested parties who have opted in for updates from AWP. Skyscraper and button advertisements appear on the right-side columns of emails; Below-the-fold banner advertisements appear in the bottom-half of emails.

Email to book an ad today!

Newsletter Rates

AWP's newsletter is sent to an average of 50,000+ subscribers every other week. For previous newsletters, please refer to our archives.

Ad Space 2023–2024 Dimensions
Skyscraper $699 160px w x 600px h
Button $499 160px w x 144px h
Below-the-fold banner $499 600px w x 160px h
Save the Dates $50 125-character limit

*We also sell ad space (below-the-fold banner only) in our Program Director mailings, Virtual AWP reminders, and the Writer’s Chronicle issue notification emails. Email for details.


  • File size: 50 KB max, 72 dpi
  • File types: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png
  • The client must provide a URL to which the ad will be linked, as well as Alt Text for the ad
  • No flash or embeded code