
AWP provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.

Annual Conference & Bookfair Program Advertising

The AWP Conference & Bookfair is the must-attend event for gathering the literary community together each year. Put your message in front of thousands of attendees for the 2025 conference in Los Angeles, California by placing an advertisement in the much-anticipated conference program.

The digital #AWP25 Conference Program will be emailed directly to all registered conference attendees and placed in a high-traffic area of our website for anyone to view.


Ad copy and payment deadline for 2025 program: December 1, 2024

Email to book an ad today!

2025 Conference Program Rates & Dimensions

Placement based on reservation date. All ads are full color.

Ad Space Price Dimensions
Full-page (first 10 pages) $3,759 8.5” w x 10.875” h
Two-page spread $2,419 15.75” w x 9.5” h
Full-page $1,259 7.25” w x 9.5” h
Half-page $799 7.25" w x 4.5" h
Quarter-page $625 3.5" w x 4.5" h

There are also opportunities to advertise in the #AWP25 Mobile App!

Ad Space Price Dimensions
Splash Screen (1 available) $3,855 1150px w by 2732px h, .png or .jpeg
Banner ad (6 available) $1,325 640px w x 110px h, .png
Push notification (3 available) $2,000 1,024 character limit

Copy requirements for the conference program are the same as those for The Writer's Chronicle.

Conference Mailings

AWP sends an email digest to attendees at the beginning of each day of the conference. Advertisers can book below-the-fold banner ad space for the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday daily emails. To book, please email with the conference day(s) you would like to place your ad in.

Ad Space Audience Price Dimensions
Below-the-fold banner (three available spaces per daily email) General attendees $699 600px w x 160px h